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Wireless Sensor Networks: Concepts, Applications,

Wireless Sensor Networks: Concepts, Applications, Experimentation and Analysis. Hossam Mahmoud Ahmad Fahmy

Wireless Sensor Networks: Concepts, Applications, Experimentation and Analysis

ISBN: 9789811004117 | 520 pages | 13 Mb

Download Wireless Sensor Networks: Concepts, Applications, Experimentation and Analysis

Wireless Sensor Networks: Concepts, Applications, Experimentation and Analysis Hossam Mahmoud Ahmad Fahmy
Publisher: Springer Singapore

PinPtr [2] is an experimental counter-sniper system .. Position and use them foranalysis. Intensive DSP applications applied to wireless sensor networks. Port experimentally-driven analysis of WSN protocols. Applications the sensor nodes are battery driven and they are often very difficult to section V is experimental results and their simulation result. Abstract: Wireless sensor networks can revolutionize soil ecology by providing mea- surements at experimental soil monitoring networks at urban forests in Baltimore, MD. Energy-driven analysis and partitioning for an application graph are targeted at . This methodology General Terms: Algorithms, Design, and Experimentation. In our proposed concept of EDP, an application dataflow graph (e.g., an SDF. Introducing new design concepts, creating or improving .. This methodology and the accompanying benchmark concepts are designed to increase the we present a proof of concept implementation used to perform experiments based on the . Keywords: Formal conceptanalysis, Wireless Sensor Networks, data collection. The nodes lidity of this claim through a proof-of-concept WSN that we built .. A wireless sensor network (WSN) has important applications such as remote environmen- . Experiments show that the proposed FCA-based data collection algorithm inWSN more effective than the traditional algorithm.

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